Can I install WeNote in SD card?


The reason is that, reminder and home widget will not work if WeNote is installed in SD card. For more technical information, please refer to https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/install-location#ShouldNot 

Can I use fingerprint to lock notes?

First, you need to choose PIN, pattern or password as lock type. Fingerprint feature will available automatically, if you have configured fingerprint on your device. There will be a small fingerprint icon displayed on the top right of lock screen dialog.

Can WeNote operate in a one-handed mode?

You may enable the following features to use WeNote in one hand.

Do I need to purchase Combo multiple times if I have multiple devices?

As long as you are using the same Google account across multiple devices, you only need to purchase Combo for one-time.

Does one-time Combo in-app purchase item include future premium features?

As a token of appreciation to the early purchasers of one-time Combo in-app purchase item, Combo will include almost all future premium features. The following are the premium features.

Please take note that, Combo feature doesn't include WeNote Cloud. WeNote Cloud is a paid subscription feature.

Advantage of purchasing Combo in-app purchase item

Does WeNote sync with Google Calendar?

No. WeNote has an independent calendar. It does NOT sync with Google Calendar.

How can I limit the number of visible attachment pictures to avoid filling up the entire screen?

Please refer to visible attachment count.

How can I mark an event entry in Calendar without having pop-up notification?

You may create All day reminder. Then, to avoid pop-up notification, you may silent all day reminder.

How can I purchase one time in-app item with only $0.99?

How frequent is Auto backup?

Auto backup runs every 1.5 days, whenever there is note modification.

To preserve local disk space, you can change retain backup count in Backup -> Retain Backup. By default, retain backup count is 30.

How can I have better picture attachment quality?

To preserve your storage space, we will reduce the quality of the picture attachment. If you do not mind having more storage space consumption in exchange for better picture quality, you may change attachment quality in Settings.

If you decide to increase the quality of the picture attachment, we recommend you use WeNote Cloud as your cloud storage solution. WeNote Cloud is excellent in handling large-size high-quality picture attachments.

How can I transfer WeNote's notes from Android to iOS?

Currently, we support one-time transfers.

In the future, we will support WeNote Cloud in iOS so that Android and iOS can exchange data seamlessly.

Right now, iOS will only support iCloud sync.

How to ensure I will not lose my data?

We place heavy emphasis on data reliability. We provide 3 reliable ways, to ensure you will never loss any notes, to-do lists, attachments.

Please refer to this video Tap to sync via WeNote Cloud to learn how to sync. Do pay attention to the end of the video. If the sync operation is a success, there will be a "Sync with WeNote Cloud success" message at the bottom of the screen. 


Please refer to this video Tap to sync via Google Drive to learn how to sync. Do pay attention to the end of the video. If the sync operation is a success, there will be a "Sync with Google Drive success" message at the bottom of the screen. 

Or, refer to Why sync to Google Drive failed? if you are not able to sync.

⚠️ Backups are removed when WeNote is uninstalled. Users are encouraged to export backup as a zip file, and send it to email for safekeeping purposes. ⚠️

Kindly refer to Export backup to email & Restore from email backup, to learn how to perform backup exporting & email restoring.

Of course, you may choose to use multiple ways too. 

I just bought a new phone. How can I transfer WeNote from old phone to new phone?

Is WeNote available for Windows?

Currently, WeNote is only available for Android and iPhone.

In the near future, we plan to launch WeNote for Windows.

What are upcoming features for WeNote?

To know what are upcoming features for WeNote, You may have a glance at our development progress at https://trello.com/b/egVBdrmN/wenote-notes-to-do-lists-reminders-calendar

What differentiates WeNote from other note taking apps?

WeNote has some very unique designs, which are not commonly seen in other note taking apps. They are

Why auto sync across multiple devices doesn't work?

By default, auto sync only works well for single device. For multiple devices, it requires one-time in-app purchase. After you have purchased "Multi sync" in shop, WeNote will auto sync to multiple devices with same account. 

In order to achieve auto sync across multiple devices, we need to setup a 24-hour running auto sync server. We need to cover server monthly running cost, by introducing one-time in-app purchase.

Please check the following criteria to ensure multi sync work properly.

Why does auto sync consume a lot of Internet data?

Auto sync runs every 2 hours, whenever there is note modification.

You might experience high Internet data usage, if you

To preserve Internet data quota, you can enable Auto sync only over Wi-Fi in Settings.

Why I can't find any WeNote file in Google Drive after sync to Google Drive?

After sync, the data is stored in Google Drive App Data folder. For security purpose, Google Drive App Data folder is not visible to user.

To restore your data from Google Drive, simply perform sync operation from Settings. 

Backup and restore both happen simultaneously in single sync operation. Please refer to this video Tap to sync via Google Drive to learn how to sync. Do pay attention to the end of video. If sync operation is success, there will be a "Sync with Google Drive success" message at the bottom of screen. 

If you want to access the data manually, we would recommend you to Export data to email.

The data is stored in SQLite format. You may use DB Browser for SQLite to read the data.

Why reminder doesn't show up sometimes?

Do checkout the following videos as well.

Reminder doesn't work reliably for certain devices. Their over aggressive Battery management mode have prevented reminder to work in background. Please turn off that "feature", allow WeNote runs in background, if you want reminder to work reliably.

Please read https://dontkillmyapp.com/?3 for solution.

The following genre of apps might conflict with WeNote. Try to disable them one by one to see whether it resolves the issue.

Why sync to Google Drive failed?

These are few things you can try out.

The following genre of apps might conflict with WeNote. Try to disable them one by one to see whether it resolves the issue.

Google Drive doesn't support a large number of image attachments. If you have a large number of image attachments, you may want to consider using WeNote Cloud.

When should we choose WeNote Cloud over Google Drive to prevent data loss?

We highly recommend you to choose WeNote Cloud over Google Drive because of the following reasons.

For more information, please refer to https://www.wenote.me/cloud

WeNote is not able to recognize my previous purchase

Please try the following steps

(Only works if the account used to make the purchase is the "primary" account on the device)

If the above steps do not work for you, you may try